Decided to put a feeder up in the woods next to my house seen a few does come threw and knowing we have a good bit of deer in the area ended up with 85 pics the first night 3 nice bucks one spike the rest does looks like I might have to sling a arrow here before season is over
I know I'm not the only adult with Snapchat post your names lets share some memories and laughs now and during season or make small talk. Come on all you kids at heart 😆
Ready to swing from my saddle and sling rockets out of the elite. But until then I'll listen to my hounds run rabbits
· TJ Hermann
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I got a saddle too and the ultimate one stick! Slaying time is almost upon us. Haaa! I still need some practice with my Madrock Safeguard and how to put the rope in it. I still get it wrong sometimes in the daylight so in darkness it might get interesting! Haaaa
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· TJ Hermann