Happy Birthday to myself. Hope everyone has a blessed day and Gdluck n happy hunting to everyone out n the beautiful hunting lands today.
We’ll got six arrows fletched last night. Going to be trying my first set of expandable broadheads out this yr couldn’t get none of my arrows to fly cositent with one pc broadheads on them so tired of trying different fletches n any suggestions I’ve had. So here it is four fletched 3 deg sitting at 120deg 60dw 130deg 60dw placement. Pink being top left every arrow being my ole ladies favorite color then blue top right for my middle brother who’s not with me any more then purple bottom left for my foster daughter and my oldest brother who’s also past on and red bottom right for my mom and oldest brother. And my little sisters favorite colors r blue n purple so she’s covered to n I love my blue n black combo. So whole family is covered in four fletched they’ll all be with me every hunt. From now on.
Happy Bday