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So I have left Facebook and messenger.   It was a choice I had to do.  I really want to say I am trying to get closer to the Lord.  I am so grateful  for all of you.  I really like for you all to help me keep in touch and what’s going on with the family. If there’s any thing going on or things I need to know please let me know.  I am happy to let you all have my phone number.  So text me at 17858501347.   

    • I deleted facebook over a year ago and am thankful for this app but I wish the live shows were able to be posted bere.  I get notifications everyday but no way to watch them.  

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      • Let me suggest a fantastic podcast that has really helped my walk with the Lord. They also record it on YouTube. It is called the Unashamed, hosted by Phil Robertson and his 2 boys Al and Jase. All about God, the Bible, hunting, family, and the outdoors. Love it!!

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